
Embark on a self-guided exploration with the ME=WE Design-Life-Toolkit, a transformative journey across seven distinct but interconnected phases. This toolkit invites you to delve into the essence of ME=WE through introspective and creative experiences, dedicating just one hour each week. Upon completion, express your commitment to applying the ME=WE principles in your life through a unique 'Design Manifesto'. This manifesto can take any artistic form – be it a poem, song, drawing, or another medium – reflecting your personal interpretation and integration of ME=WE values. Unleash your creativity and capture the essence of your transformative journey in a masterpiece that resonates with your spirit.

Begin your ME=WE journey with GNITE, an orientation into a world of transformation and co-creation. Embrace the opportunity to set intentions and discover the path ahead. SPARK 1 invites you to confront and understand the disconnects in life, opening doors to new perspectives and deeper connections. Engage with SPARK 2, a phase dedicated to exploring and enhancing your communication and trust-building skills within your community. In SPARK 3, delve into the dynamics of relationships and teamwork, learning the art of unity and creative resilience. SPARK 4 is about action and co-creation. Apply your insights to design meaningful changes in your community. Implement your ideas in the PRACTICUM phase, bringing your learning into real-world application and observing the impact. Reflect and celebrate your journey in GLOW, acknowledging your growth and the milestones achieved.

This Toolkit is ideal for those eager to explore the ME=WE but are often pressed for time. This self-paced journey requires just one hour per week over a span of six weeks. Participants will culminate their experience by crafting a personal 'Design Manifesto', a creative embodiment of their ME=WE journey, with the option to share it with the wider ME=WE community. Additionally, those who wish to deepen their engagement can choose to facilitate workshops for others by registering as part of the IN-Collectives, extending the reach of their transformative experience.

Complete your ME=WE journey with a unique 'Design Manifesto', a creative expression of your transformative experience. This manifesto is your personal artwork – be it a poem, song, drawing, or another artistic form – symbolizing your commitment to living the ME=WE principles. It's a reflection of your journey, encapsulating the insights and transformations you've encountered. Let your manifesto be a vibrant display of how ME=WE has touched your life, showcasing your vision for applying these values in your everyday interactions and aspirations. Share your creation as a testament to personal growth and a pledge to foster community and unity in your world.

  • Embark on a self-guided exploration with the ME=WE Design-Life-Toolkit, a transformative journey across seven distinct but interconnected phases. This toolkit invites you to delve into the essence of ME=WE through introspective and creative experiences, dedicating just one hour each week. Upon completion, express your commitment to applying the ME=WE principles in your life through a unique 'Design Manifesto'. This manifesto can take any artistic form – be it a poem, song, drawing, or another medium – reflecting your personal interpretation and integration of ME=WE values. Unleash your creativity and capture the essence of your transformative journey in a masterpiece that resonates with your spirit.

  • Who is this for the ME=WE Design-Life-Toolkit is ideal for those eager to explore the ME=WE but are often pressed for time. This self-paced journey requires just one hour per week over a span of six weeks. Participants will culminate their experience by crafting a personal 'Design Manifesto', a creative embodiment of their ME=WE journey, with the option to share it with the wider ME=WE community. Additionally, those who wish to deepen their engagement can choose to facilitate workshops for others by registering as part of the IN-Collectives, extending the reach of their transformative experience.

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