around identity, relationship, transformation, and evolution


The ME=WE EXPERIENCE is designed to learn and practice a lifestyle which supports living in harmony while working for the bettering a world around us.

It attempts to revisit our identity, relationship and purpose through transformation which can be co-created for our collective evolution.

These elements are at the heart of our journey, and each IN-COLLECTIVE WORKSHOP SERIES is thoughtfully designed to encourage participants to collaboratively explore and discover profound changes within themselves and society.

This transformative experience unfolds in four distinct phases, each serving as a gateway to a more harmonious and interconnected world.


ME=WE EXPERIENCE provides an opportunity to deepen our understanding and to practice coherent life; practicing Inclusivity (universal participation), living in zero-waste lifestyle, pursuing well-being and happiness, exploring serious play, knowing power of fun theory, encouraging artful creative expression, elevating soulful connectedness, welcoming new constructive and regenerative thought/behavior patterns, knowing true impact need to start within, igniting cultural shift, and contributing to transformative social change.


Science (HEAD): transdisciplinary approach to understand the world, nature laws, evolution of knowledge, and emerging future: use of technology and biomimicry

Spirituality (HEART): connectedness with nature/divine, people, true self: co-sensing, co, journaling, hero's journey

Social Action (HAND): learning-by-doing, fail fast, keep swimming: co-initiating, co-evolving, prototyping + action

Impact (HAPPINESS): capacity building, confidence, transformation

The ME=WE Pathway

The ME=WE Pathway has been explored to fortify the journey of service, emphasizing the understanding that an individual's path is inevitably intertwined with the collective path of transformation, like a collective beauty manifested in a colorful Möbius sculpture implying the path is complex yet artful by Frank Steller.

Participants embark on individual pathways that can be activated and enhanced into systemic trajectories through the acquisition of new perspectives and self-generated insights on their identity, reality, and relationships with others.

The path of service comprises personal growth, matured teamwork, and heart-connecting accompaniment, all of which contribute to prosperity of self and society.


These four phases of the journey empower us to see the world in a new light, embrace diversity, and become active participants in building a better future for all.
Through self-awareness, deep listening, and the willingness to face challenges, we discover the path to a more hopeful and joyful world.

Awakening to ME≠WE

Reading Reality
In this first phase, we embark on a transformative journey. We start by opening our eyes to the world's challenges, which are marked by divisions and conflicts. We learn to recognize and understand these separations and divisions, making us more aware of the issues around us. We also prepare ourselves for the journey ahead, gaining insights that help us navigate through the complexities of our world.

Embracing ME+WE Reality

Deep Listening
Moving into the second phase, we dive deeper into understanding our roles in the world. We not only listen to others but also to our higher selves. We become comfortable with conflicts and challenges, learning that they are opportunities for growth and change. We discover the power of unity and recognize that we can make the world a better place by working together.

Becoming ME WE Collective -

Navigating Through Challenges
In the third phase, we take our understanding to a new level. We sense the deep interconnectedness between ourselves and others. We acknowledge that conflicts and challenges are part of life, and we learn how to navigate through them. We also embrace different perspectives and practice new behaviors that bring more hope and joy into our lives and the lives of those around us.

Unveiling ME=WE Unity

Practicing New Perspectives
As we progress to the final phase, we uncover a profound truth: "ME" is not the same as "WE," but they are intertwined for the well-being of both ourselves and our society. We practice new perspectives and behaviors that celebrate our unity and foster a spirit of cooperation. It's about co-creating a world filled with hope, joy, and a sense of togetherness. We become protagonists in shaping a better future, understanding that our differences make us stronger and more capable of creating positive change.