New Coffee New Money

It’s an enlightening workshop series that blends the rich history of coffee with the innovative perspectives of the ME=WE philosophy. This series invites participants to explore the fascinating journey of coffee, from its legendary origins to contemporary innovations, all through the lens of the ME=WE ethos.

  1. The History and Legend of Kaldi: Our journey begins with the captivating story of Kaldi, the Ethiopian goat herder who discovered coffee. We delve into the ancient tales and explore how this accidental discovery transformed into a global phenomenon, connecting cultures and communities across the world.

  2. The Birth of Americano Coffee: We then move to the birth of Americano coffee, a symbol of adaptation and resilience. This segment of the workshop examines how Americano coffee emerged as a unique blend, embodying the spirit of innovation and the fusion of diverse cultural tastes.

  3. The Birth of Luwak Coffee: The story continues with the intriguing birth of Luwak Coffee, one of the world's most unique and controversial coffees. Here, we discuss the ethical and sustainability aspects surrounding Luwak Coffee, encouraging a dialogue on responsible consumption in line with the ME=WE values.

  4. New Coffee Stories in the Light of ME=WE: Finally, we turn our attention to contemporary coffee narratives. This section is dedicated to exploring how coffee culture is evolving in the modern era, particularly in the context of social innovation, community engagement, and environmental sustainability. Participants will engage in discussions and activities that highlight how coffee can be a medium for social change and collective well-being.

"ME=WE Coffee, New Money" is more than just a workshop series; it's an immersive experience that offers a new perspective on a beverage that has become a daily ritual for many. Through this series, we aim to inspire a deeper appreciation for coffee and its role in fostering a sense of community and shared purpose, resonating with the ME=WE philosophy.

Join us in this aromatic and transformative journey, where every cup of coffee tells a story of connection, innovation, and collective progress.

  • Anyone who would like to explore a path to self awareness via observing the progress of your soul

  • Jan. 20, 2024

  • Jongsuk + Yunsun

  • Description text goes here