Post-camp Activity 06: Brainstorming with Saurav Dhakal on Social Innovation Collaboratives (SICO)

Saurav shared an awesome home stay project, which is beautifully integrated with a cycling event and celebration (Ride SindhuliGadhi2017), learning about the history and supporting homestay project at Sindhul Gadhi. Ride SindhuliGadhi is a 153 KM Cycling journey from kathmandu to sindhuligadhi where will celebrate the 250th anniversary of the Sindhuligadhi battle Victory. The event will be of 2 Night and 3 Days. He kindly expressed his interests and generous support for NYC and UNC projects where youth would be greatly benefit from having such mentor like Saurav! 


Post-camp Activity 07: Nimesh from Nepal National Innovation Center


Post-camp Activity 05: Bivishika from HCI